Custom Typeface

Boundary Analytics
A data-inspired brand identity, graphics generator, and custom typeface for a B2B marketing analytics platform.
Boundary Analytics is a B2B marketing analytics platform that employs a groundbreaking method combining correlation modeling and time lag analysis to measure which activities impact pipeline. When the Boundary team first approached Cotton, three things were abundantly clear about the identity. First, it was clear that the team deeply believes in the explanatory power of data, and as such, that the identity needed to highlight this belief. Second, it was apparent that the product has rare potential to close the gap between marketers and analysts, based on co-founder Jeff Sirkin's years of experience in both industries. In an early interview, Sirkin said, “There’s a disconnect between marketers and analysts, and I speak both languages. It’s a problem marketers have been trying to crack for many years... and we really have something.”
Last but not least, it was pertinent to stand out. “The approach we're using isn't new, it's just never been applied in this context before,” co-founder Victoria Gamlen said, “So what we're really selling is a mindset shift. And we wanted our branding to reflect that – a deviation from what people are used to in SaaS branding while still staying true to what we do.” For Boundary, it was crucial not to look like just another software company—because they simply aren’t just another software company.